Tuesday 24 January 2012

The Facebook

Welcome back to tree tales!

Today's blog is all about the wonderful social communication machine that is Facebook. Today in Ales 204 lab we had to create a Facebook page that could potentially be used in our professional careers. The purpose of the page was to create a electronic resume of sorts that could be viewed by potential employers as a description of who you are and what you are all about. This is a screen shot of the page I created and gives more or less the basics of what is needed on this sort of professional page. If you would like another example you can always check out one of my class mates blogs here.

Click to enlarge

This could be a very helpful tool in the future because more and more employers are researching their potential employees beforehand. Now most people try and keep a relatively clean online profile but from time to time, by their doing or by others, some content that they may not want a potential employer to see ends up online or on their Facebook profile. Now to stave off people seeing this they put privacy setting on their profile that allow only certain people to see their full profile. This doesn't really give employers much to work off.

With a Facebook page, I can make a sort of  profile that is open to the public but that only shows the things and gives the description that I want others to see. This kind of page can give the employer something to go off of and give them a better idea of who I am.

As said in this Times article, social media is truly going to be the future of the job search, not only in the resume aspect but the job search as well. A page such as the one above will be vital to this future kind of job search.

Till next time.

Thursday 19 January 2012

Hello and welcome to Tree Tales. My name is Pierre

Now for a little bit about myself. I am currently in my second year of the Bachelor of Forest Management at the University of Alberta. Foresty is a pretty tight knit group and I enjoy my time with them, if you want to see what a one of them have to say you can see one of their blogs here. I enjoy many activities in and outside of school such as playing intramural sports and generally just having a good time with my friends. The intramural sports that I am currently involved in are hockey, ball hockey and volleyball. I am also a member of the University of Alberta Rugby club. Outside of school I enjoy doing many other activities such as skiing, mountain biking and just generally being outdoors.
In my field of study, I feel that communication technologies are a very large part of  the forest industry and will only become a larger an larger as we move into the future. The vast majority of this is used in document sharing. Many things in the forest industry are now done on the computer and usually involve large groups of people that can be spread out all over the place. With communication technologies it is possible for these people to work together no matter how far apart they are.

Social media is also beginning to play a major role in promoting the forest industry. In recent year there have been website such as Work Wild that have been created to help shed a more positive light on this industry that has usually been seen as a dying and environmentally damaging one.

All in all, I believe that communication technologies and social media will play an ever increasing roll in not only forestry by the job force as a whole and that in the future it will be just as much as an asset as any other skill.

Till next time,